Shipping from China to Canada

Why chose us?

Over the years, our Canada-China shipping department has successfully entered into service agreements with the most reputable air and ocean carriers. This allows us to offer shipping from China to Canada at a competitive price and ensure the safe delivery of your goods.
We use our expertise to handle your shipping, so you can build stronger relationships with your Chinese suppliers and customers.

Ocean Freight & Container Shipping From China To Canada

Sea freight is the most cost-effective way of shipping items between countries.
We provide door-to-door, door-to-port, and port-to-port shipping services from China to Canada.

For door-to-door service, there are DDU and DDP services:

  1. DDU-door-to-door duty unpaid.
  2. DDP-door-to-door duty paid.

FCL and LCL are acceptable

  1. Full Container Load – FCL Ocean Freight from China to Canada
  2. Less than a Container Load – LCL Shipping from China to Canada

Air Freight From China To Canada

We have developed a huge network of professional air cargo carriers, providing daily and weekly flights from major airports in China to any air destinations around the world.
If you are in a hurry to receive/send goods, air freight will be the most efficient solution.
We, HYI Freight provide air freight services from China to Canada, providing safe and reliable solutions for all your air freight needs, including time-sensitive and high-value commodities.
Our shipping options include:

  1. Airport/Door to Airport
  2. Airport/Door to Door, DDU, delivery duty unpaid
  3. Airport/Door to Door, DDP, delivery duty paid

With our services, we’ll handle every step of the way to ensure your shipments arrive at their destination safely and on time.

The normal transit time for air freight from China to Canada is about 3-7 days.
This may vary due to seasonal demand and freight market traffic at certain times of the year.

For DDP service, it usually takes 10-15 days for delivery.
It takes about 5-7 days for air freight, 2-3 working days for customs clearance, and then 2-3 days for domestic shipping in Canada.
For DDP service, all you need to do is wait for your shipment to arrive, there is nothing else need to do or pay for.

Air charter services offer peace of mind, customization, and a long list of transportable cargo.

Any inquiries about shipment, please contact us.

Step to work with us.

  1. Which shipment methods do u want? By air/Sea to port or to door? DDU or DDP?
  2. What is the address or airport, or seaport that will be sent to?
  3. What kind of goods, general goods or other goods? It is better to provide pictures, product names, and materials.
  4. What is the packing list for the goods, weight, and box dimensions?

Pls, send us an email to inquire if need any forwarding service from China to the world.

We need the information: the product name, material, photo, packing list/information, and shipping address.

For example:

The product name: handbag

Material: PU leather

Product photo: common goods without product photo is ok.

Packing information: 10 cartons, carton size is same of 50*30*45cm each, total weight is 120kg.

Shipping address: Address with postal code.


Whatsapp: 008617612045942

Expédition de la Chine au Canada

Pourquoi nous choisir ?

Au fil des ans, notre service d’expédition Canada-Chine a conclu avec succès des ententes de service avec les transporteurs aériens et maritimes les plus réputés. Cela nous permet d’offrir l’expédition de la Chine vers le Canada à un prix compétitif et d’assurer la livraison sécuritaire de vos marchandises.
Nous utilisons notre expertise pour gérer votre expédition, afin que vous puissiez établir des relations plus solides avec vos fournisseurs et clients chinois.

Fret maritime et expédition de conteneurs de la Chine au Canada

Le fret maritime est le moyen le plus rentable d’expédier des articles entre les pays.
Nous fournissons des services d’expédition porte-à-porte, porte-à-port et port à port de la Chine au Canada.

Pour le service porte-à-porte, il existe des services DDU et DDP :

Droit de porte à porte DDU non payé.
DDP-porte à porte dédouané.
FCL et LCL sont acceptables

Chargement complet de conteneurs – FCL Ocean Freight de la Chine au Canada
Moins qu’un chargement de conteneur – Expédition LCL de la Chine au Canada
Fret aérien de la Chine au Canada

Nous avons développé un vaste réseau de transporteurs professionnels de fret aérien, assurant des vols quotidiens et hebdomadaires depuis les principaux aéroports de Chine vers toutes les destinations aériennes du monde.
Si vous êtes pressé de recevoir/expédier des marchandises, le fret aérien sera la solution la plus efficace.
Nous, HYI Freight, fournissons des services de fret aérien de la Chine au Canada, fournissant des solutions sûres et fiables pour tous vos besoins de fret aérien, y compris les marchandises urgentes et de grande valeur.
Nos options d’expédition incluent :

Aéroport/Porte de l’aéroport
Aéroport/porte à porte, DDU, droits de livraison impayés
Aéroport/Porte à porte, DDP, droits de livraison acquittés
Avec nos services, nous nous occupons de chaque étape du processus pour garantir que vos envois arrivent à destination en toute sécurité et à temps.

Le temps de transit normal pour le fret aérien de la Chine au Canada est d’environ 3 à 7 jours.
Cela peut varier en raison de la demande saisonnière et du trafic sur le marché du fret à certaines périodes de l’année.

Pour le service DDP, la livraison prend généralement 10 à 15 jours.
Cela prend environ 5 à 7 jours pour le fret aérien, 2 à 3 jours ouvrables pour le dédouanement, puis 2 à 3 jours pour l’expédition intérieure au Canada.
Pour le service DDP, tout ce que vous avez à faire est d’attendre que votre envoi arrive, il n’y a rien d’autre à faire ou à payer.

Les services d’affrètement aérien offrent la tranquillité d’esprit, la personnalisation et une longue liste de marchandises transportables.

Pour toute question sur l’expédition, veuillez nous contacter.

Étape pour travailler avec nous.

Quelles méthodes d’expédition voulez-vous? Par air/mer au port ou à la porte ? DDU ou DDP ?
Quelle est l’adresse ou l’aéroport ou le port maritime qui sera envoyé ?
Quel genre de marchandises, marchandises générales ou autres marchandises ? Il est préférable de fournir des images, des noms de produits et des matériaux.
Quelle est la liste de colisage pour les marchandises, le poids et les dimensions de la boîte ?
Veuillez nous envoyer un e-mail pour savoir si vous avez besoin d’un service de transfert de la Chine vers le monde.

Nous avons besoin des informations suivantes : nom du produit, matériau, photo, liste de colisage/informations et adresse de livraison.

Par exemple:

Le nom du produit: sac à main

Matériel: Cuir PU

Photo du produit: les biens communs sans photo du produit sont ok.

Informations d’emballage : 10 cartons, la taille du carton est la même de 50 x 30 x 45 cm chacun, le poids total est de 120 kg.

Adresse de livraison : Adresse avec code postal.

Courriel :

WhatsApp : 008617612045942

Are you looking to source products from China? Finding a reliable supplier is key to ensuring that you receive high-quality products at a competitive price. Here are some tips for choosing a good China supplier:

Before engaging with any supplier, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure that they are a reliable and trustworthy partner. Take the time to investigate their reputation, business history, and customer reviews. This can provide valuable insights into their track record and how they have performed for other businesses.

Additionally, it’s essential to verify the supplier’s business licenses and certifications to confirm their legitimacy and adherence to industry standards. This step is critical for establishing the supplier’s credibility and ensuring that they meet the necessary regulatory requirements for producing and exporting goods.

By investing the time and effort to thoroughly vet potential suppliers, you can minimize the risk of encountering issues such as quality control problems, delivery delays, or other complications that may arise from working with unreliable partners. This proactive approach can help safeguard your business interests and contribute to a more successful and sustainable supplier relationship.

Comparing pricing from multiple suppliers is essential to ensure that you are getting a competitive price for the products or services you require. By obtaining quotes from different suppliers, you can gain a better understanding of the prevailing market rates and identify any significant price discrepancies. This process enables you to make an informed decision and negotiate more effectively with potential suppliers.

In addition to comparing prices, it’s important to consider the payment terms offered by each supplier. This includes evaluating factors such as the required deposit amount, payment schedule, and any applicable discounts for early or bulk payments. Understanding and comparing these payment terms can help you assess the financial implications and cash flow impact of working with each supplier.

By carefully analyzing both pricing and payment terms from multiple suppliers, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your budgetary requirements and financial objectives while ensuring that you receive competitive pricing and favorable payment conditions.

Insist on quality control measures when sourcing products from a supplier. Requesting samples of the products you intend to source is essential for evaluating their quality and ensuring that they meet your standards. By thoroughly examining the samples, you can assess factors such as materials, workmanship, and overall product quality.

In addition to reviewing samples, consider hiring a third-party inspection service to conduct comprehensive quality checks. These inspections can verify that the products align with your specifications and meet industry standards. Third-party inspection services provide an objective assessment of the products, offering an extra layer of assurance before finalizing your purchase.

By prioritizing quality control measures and leveraging third-party inspections, you can mitigate the risk of receiving substandard products and establish a foundation for a successful and reliable supplier relationship. This proactive approach can contribute to the consistent delivery of high-quality goods that align with your expectations.

Effective communication is crucial when engaging with suppliers in China. It’s important to ensure that the supplier is responsive and transparent in their dealings. Clear and open communication can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that your requirements are clearly understood and met.

Establishing a channel of communication that allows for prompt and transparent dialogue is essential for maintaining a productive and collaborative relationship with your Chinese supplier. Clearly convey your expectations, product specifications, and any specific requirements, and encourage the supplier to provide regular updates on the production process.

By fostering a communicative and transparent relationship, you can address any concerns or issues promptly, proactively manage potential challenges, and work together to find effective solutions. This approach helps build trust and understanding, ultimately contributing to a more successful partnership with your Chinese supplier.

If you are sourcing custom-designed or branded products, ensure that your intellectual property rights are protected. Clearly define ownership and confidentiality in written agreements to safeguard your designs and innovations.

Assess the supplier’s production capacity and scalability to meet your future demands. A reliable supplier should have the capability to accommodate your growing business needs.

Staying in close communication with your supplier throughout the production process is crucial for maintaining visibility and control over the quality of the products being manufactured. Regular check-ins allow you to monitor the progress of the production, ensure that quality control measures are being followed, and address any concerns or changes promptly.

By maintaining an open line of communication, you can proactively identify and resolve any issues that may arise during the production process. This can include clarifying specifications, addressing unexpected challenges, or making necessary adjustments to meet your requirements. Additionally, regular communication helps to build a stronger working relationship with the supplier, fostering a collaborative approach to problem-solving and ensuring that your expectations are being met.

Engaging in ongoing dialogue with the supplier also provides an opportunity to receive updates on the production timeline, anticipate any potential delays, and make informed decisions based on real-time information. This proactive approach can help mitigate risks and ensure that the final product aligns with your quality standards and specifications.

While the search for a good China supplier may require patience, the long-term rewards in terms of product quality, pricing, and reliability make the effort worthwhile. Investing in building a strong relationship with a reputable supplier can contribute significantly to the success and sustainability of your business operations.

After securing a reliable supplier for your goods from China, the next crucial step is to ensure their safe and timely delivery to your location. HYI Freight can serve as your trusted forwarder, facilitating the shipping of goods from China to destinations worldwide. By leveraging their expertise and network, HYI Freight can help streamline the logistics process, navigate international shipping regulations, and provide you with competitive shipping rates.

Whether you are importing goods for commercial purposes or personal use, enlisting the services of a reputable freight forwarder like HYI Freight can offer peace of mind and logistical support. Their experience in managing international shipments can help ensure that your goods are transported efficiently and arrive at their destination in optimal condition.

To initiate the shipping process and obtain a quote for your specific shipping needs, reaching out to HYI Freight can provide you with valuable insights into shipping costs, transit times, and the overall logistics involved. This proactive approach can help you plan and budget effectively for the transportation of your goods, ultimately contributing to a smoother and more efficient import process.

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In today’s global marketplace, efficient shipping solutions are vital to maintaining the smooth flow of goods across borders. Among the many shipping terms and methods,

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To work out the shipping cost, please offer:

  1. Product name,  material, photo.
  2. Packing information: packing list or carton size and weight.
  3. What is the address/port you want to deliver to?